Comparez le prix, la couleur, les coûts d’entretien et la durabilité des planches de terrasse entre le bois et les lignes de terrasse Trex.
Toutes les terrasses en bois et balustrades Trex haute performance combinent facilité d'entretien et style luxueux, avec une garantie résidentielle limitée de 25 ans. La technologie de coque protectrice signifie que toutes nos planches de terrasse résistent aux taches, à la décoloration et à la fissuration, avec le plus haut niveau de résistance aux égratignures disponible de nos gammes de terrasses Transcend Earth Tones et Tropicals, suivi de Select Earth Tones, Enhance Naturals et Enhance Basics. En outre, Trex offre une variété de choix de terrasses en bois et de balustrades haute performance pour répondre aux différents niveaux de style, de performance et d'abordabilité :
Terrasse en bois :
Rampe :
Le coût d'une terrasse Trex varie généralement de 9 $ à 16 $ le pied carré. Bien sûr, cela dépend de l’endroit où vous l’achetez et du montant que vous achetez. Visitez notre calculateur de coûts pour une estimation personnalisée.
L’agence de terrasses et les configurations de garde-corps de LÉGARD offrent une grande variété d’options de terrasses et de garde-corps pouvant être courbées sur mesure. Lorsque vous envisagez une terrasse avec ces caractéristiques, utilisez l’outilTrouver un constructeur pour déterminer quels professionnels de votre région travaillent sur des profils incurvés. Lorsque vous planifiez un garde-corps courbé, visitez notre page de garde-corps courbés de la Signature® pour obtenir des conseilssur la conception et la commande.
Trex decking is available in three distinctive collections: Enhance (Good), Select (Better) and Transcend (Best). The differences between these three lines are defined by their durability, scratch resistance, color options, profiles and price.
Trex decking is warranted for 25, 35, and 50 years, depending upon the collection used. All three Transcend lines are backed by a 50-year limited warranty; Select a 35-year limited warranty, and both Enhance Naturals and Basics come with a 25-year limited warranty. When installing the deck boards, it is important to follow the installation guidelines, in part so you don’t void the warranty.. You’ll extend the life of your deck by giving care to your substructure as well.
On average, the estimated material cost for a composite deck runs from $15 - $30 per square foot (including substructure, decking, hardware and fasteners). We recommend using our online cost calculator tool and guide to get an estimate for your project's cost. For a true cost estimate, reach out to a Trex retailer or TrexPro deck builder.
*Average price range excludes Trex Signature® decking, our luxury decking collection. Trex actual material costs and install costs can and will vary based on geographic area, site location, seasonality, design complexity, whether the product is stocked locally, and additional features such as stairs, angles, curves, lighting, etc. For most professionally installed projects, materials constitute up to one third of the total cost.
Just like many other outdoor walking surfaces, composite decking can get hot due to sun exposure or weather. On these hot days - care needs to be taken to make sure skin does not have extended contact with the surface of the deck. For hotter climates, we recommend choosing a lighter color or one of our Lineage deck boards. The Transcend Lineage line of decking is engineered with heat-mitigating technology to give you our coolest decking yet.* It offers a noticeably cooler board than any of our other decking collections.
Trex decking has a moderate traction level and like most outdoor walking surfaces, can become slick when it rains, ices or snows. We recommend taking caution on these days and using rock salt or calcium chloride to prevent ice or snow build-up. When first practical, we recommend rinsing the deck and cleaning with warm soapy water (with mild dish soap) when the weather changes.
Composite changed the way decks are built. For decades, wood was the material of choice for outdoor living spaces, but with consumers demanding easy maintenance and luxury looks, composites have grown in popularity. Trex composite decking is sustainably made from 95% recycled materials, including reclaimed wood and polyethylene film. Trex decking doesn’t splinter, rot or decay like pressure-treated lumber, and never needs sanding, staining or painting. With budget options comparable with pressure-treated wood, it raises the question – why “wood” you use anything else?
It’s important to consider how you will use your outdoor space when selecting your decking material. Consider the wear and tear your deck will take. Do you have a pet? Will your deck endure foot traffic? Do you do a lot of entertaining and require a grill area? Will you move heavy furniture back and forth frequently? For decks that get a workout, Transcend decking presents the highest level of scratch resistance. If your budget is the top consideration, our entry-level Enhance collection, priced to put the pressure on wood, maybe for you.
Trex Transcend, labeled as our “best” decking line, combines the look of elegant exotic wood with the versatility and durability of composites. With a realistic wood-like grain and 12 colors between our Lineage, Tropicals, and Earth Tones collections, Transcend offers endless possibilities for your dream backyard.. Transcend stands out with five-star scratch resistance, making it the go-to decking for puppy-filled spaces or busy community gathering spots.
No matter which deck you pick, you can feel good about your choice knowing that our decking is not only good for you but also good for the planet. Trex decking is sustainably made from 95% recycled materials including reclaimed wood and recycled plastic film.
Veuillez également noter que plus la couleur est foncée, plus la terrasse sera chaude. Pour les climats plus chauds, les consommateurs devraient envisager de choisir une couleur plus claire ou une option avec une technologie d’atténuation de la chaleur.
* Bien que Trex Transcend Lineage® produits de terrasse de la même couleur est conçu pour être plus froid que la plupart des autres produits de terrasse en matériau composite, par temps chaud et ensoleillé, il deviendra chaud. Lors des journées chaudes, il faut prendre soin d’éviter tout contact prolongé entre la peau exposée et la surface de terrasse, en particulier avec les jeunes enfants et ceux ayant des besoins spéciaux.